REMINDER: Celebrating International Womens Day - Knowing our History ... Shaping our Future

Thursday, March 8, 2012
HSA Office, Vancouver

HSA invites women members to participate in a workshop that combines celebrating International Womens Day and in-house HSA training.
Part of the goal this day is to:

• raise awareness about womens issues and achievements;
• provide connections with groups working in the broader womens movement;
• develop and strengthen relationships with labour and community organizations consistent with the mandate of HSAs Womens Committee;
• re-energize and inspire members to be active in their union and community;
• foster solidarity between HSA members.

Participants will include a diverse mix of experienced activists and members interested in getting more involved in their union.

Interested in this opportunity?  Please apply using the on-line application form.  (You need to be logged in to register.  Then go to -Member Services > Event Registration".) It is expected that successful applicants attend an evening IWD event following a group dinner, which means. Out of town participants will need overnight accommodation on March 8th.

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