Agreement to Fully Operationalize Long-Service Pay

NBA and HEABC agree to remove 10-year limitation and extend application deadline

HSA is pleased to announce that a joint collaborative agreement between the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) and the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) has been reached with regards to long-service pay rates (also known as “Add Pay”).

The parties have agreed to:

  • Remove the 10-year limitation to allow members who were hired prior to 2013 to be eligible to apply for Add Pay.
  • Extend the original December 31, 2023, add pay application deadline to February 29, 2024, for members to apply for Add Pay. No applications will be accepted after Feb 29, 2024.
  • Extend the deadline for employers to review and make determinations to June 30, 2024.
  • A single provincial attestation form for nurses who have no documentation, or for whom it would be unreasonable hardship to attain these documents. Information on how to access this form will be shared with members when available.

Members who have completed the Add Pay Application Eligibility form will receive a follow-up email from the union to advise them of next steps. Employers have agreed to review applications that have already been denied and will be reminding nurses of the deadline and providing links to the application form. The Add Pay Denial Appeals form remains available by sending an email to @email for members whose applications have been denied, or who disagree with their employer’s rational for the denial and would like to appeal the decision.

Both HEABC and the NBA are committed to working to operationalize add pay, recognizing the intent of both parties during bargaining to establish long-service pay rates as an important recruitment and retention strategy.

If you have any questions, please contact @email
