Events Archive


Workshop on Race and Racism in Health Care and Social Services HSA is pleased to offer this two-day virtual workshop specifically designed for HSA site stewards, OHS stewards, and EDMP representatives. Participants will use case scenarios, discussions, and activities to explore race and racism in...


DATE: November 21, 2022 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual via Webex HSA is pleased to offer this one-day virtual workshop specifically designed for HSA young workers (HSA members 35 and under). This year’s workshop, facilitated by the IISAAK OLAM Foundation (IOF), will support young workers...


(Part of the HSA Leadership Development Series) - Are you shy or nervous about speaking in public but want to share your ideas? Want to gain confidence in your communication skills to take on leadership roles in your union or profession? Then consider registering for Public Speaking, part of the HSA...


(Part of the HSA Leadership Development Series) - Are you shy or nervous about speaking in public but want to share your ideas? Want to gain confidence in your communication skills to take on leadership roles in your union or profession? Then consider registering for Public Speaking, part of the HSA...


HSA Lead and Assistant Lead Steward Training This one-day training session is for Lead Stewards and Assistant Lead Stewards. Priority access will be given to Lead and Assistant Lead Stewards that have never attended a Lead and Assistant Lead Steward workshop. As leaders in your chapter, you have...