Swine flu: HSA urges members to follow Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines

HSA encourages all members to take precautions and ensure safety. The National Unions website outlines the necessary steps and equipment required for health-care workers to appropriately plan and protect themselves.

Keep checking HSAs website at www.hsabc.org for updates as they become available; the union is continuing to coordinate with the health authorities, Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH), the Centre for Disease Control, and WorkSafeBC.

OHSAH is finalizing a -frequently asked questions" document and updating its post-SARS manual for circulation. HSA will send further information in the coming days.

Online resources:
• BC Centre for Disease Control: www.bccdc.org

• Provincial Infection Control Network: www.picnetbc.ca

• Infection control guidelines from the Public Health Agency of Canada: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/swine-porcine/pdf/interim_guidance_infection_control-eng.pdf

• National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE): http://www.nupge.ca/files/publications/Medicare/Pandemic_Influenza_Planning_Checklist.pdf

For further information, contact:
• Marty Lovick, HSA Occupational Health and Safety Officer
o 604.439.0994 / 1.800.663.2017 (toll free)
o 604.761 1949 (cell)

• Alison Hietanen, HSA Benefits Advocate
o 604.439.0994 / 1.800.663.2017 (toll free)
604.842.0417 (cell)

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