Community Health Services and Support

When your Community Health Services and Support bargaining committee went into bargaining, they had dozens of priorities from members like you. You gave your representatives clear direction that closing the wage gap between the Community Agreement and the Facilities Agreement was essential. By autumn, progress had been made on many items, but the government had dug in their heels on...

When your Community Health Services and Support bargaining committee went into bargaining, they had dozens of priorities from members like you. You gave your representatives clear direction that closing the wage gap between the Community Agreement and the Facilities Agreement was essential. By autumn, progress had been made on many items, but the government had dug in their heels on...

We are pleased to announce that the team negotiating on behalf of you and your colleagues represented by the Community Bargaining Association have reached a tentative agreement in the early hours of Sunday, January 15, 2023. HSA is one of eight unions who have been at the table for almost a year, representing over 21,000 workers covered by the agreement...

Following the CBA Bargaining Committee’s decision to suspend negotiations over lack of progress in early November, the employers have recently asked for a return to the bargaining table in January to discuss an amended offer. The eight constituent unions, led by BCGEU and including HSA, have agreed to meet with HEABC to hear about the new offer. Those meetings will...

As reported last week, contract talks have broken off as of November 3. The current monetary offer by the Health Employers Association of BC is not sufficient to meet the core priorities established by the CBA bargaining committee. You can learn more here. It’s now important to hear from you so that your HSA representatives in discussions with the lead...

A delegation from the constituent unions of the CBA met with HEABC and a representative of the Public Sector Employers’ Council Secretariat (PSEC) on November 3, 2022. It was our goal to impress upon PSEC that the CBA was unable to meet the core priorities we had established based on the monetary offer we have received. In particular we outlined...

The CBA bargaining committee resumed negotiations with HEABC on October 19 – 21, 2022. We have made some progress and are close to resolving outstanding non-monetary matters and we’re currently working to reach an agreement on changes to hours of work in both Article 14 and 15. However, HEABC (on behalf of the Provincial government) has reiterated that their initial...

Bargaining committee members, along with the committee members from other unions, have been bargaining for the last three weeks. Discussions are now on hold while we look at scheduling new dates, and we anticipate talks will resume in late October or early November. Since our last update, the employer has continued to resist most of the non-monetary language changes that...

For most of the last two weeks the HSA, along with seven other constituent unions of the CBA, has been at the bargaining table with the Health Employers’ Association of BC (HEABC) working towards a tentative agreement. We had hoped to have good news about progress but, unfortunately, we are not satisfied with where negotiations stand at this time. The...

Since pausing negotiations in June, six working groups made up of representatives from the union and employer side have been working to develop recommendations around new certifications, occupational health and safety, decolonizing the collective agreement and more. This work will now help streamline the bargaining process as the committee heads back to the table on September 12. As bargaining resumes...